Things that you should not do at your wedding

Well, we often get to hear about what we should do at a wedding. However, people rarely tell us what not to do. So, in this article, we are going to discuss all the things that you should not do at your own wedding. Though, you should certainly hire the best wedding party rentals, to begin with.

What not to do at your wedding?

Generally, most people behave nicely on the weddings. Moreover, people usually do not drink way too much on weddings to avoid causing any inconvenience. However, weird things do happen, and chances are that they will.

Do not put irresponsible people in-charge

Now it depends on the people around you. If they can control the situation properly, it will not escalate. For instance, let us say that a guest becomes too drunk and starts shouting weird things over his lungs. Now drunk people can be pretty violent and unpredictable. So, the wedding venue could easily turn into a battlefield.

But if the people around you are responsible enough, they will handle the situation intelligently and do not let it get worse.

So, never put irresponsible people in-charge of your wedding while you are busy in the ceremonies with your spouse.

Do not get drunk

The same rule also applies to you. If you end up getting too intoxicated, chances are that you would want to speak more and say the things that you should not. In specific, never even consider giving a drunk speech.

Trust us, a wedding venue would be the worst spot to give a drunk speech. You could actually ruin everything for your sober guests that way. Also, all the judgmental stares that you will get are just not worth it. So, avoid becoming too drunk at your own wedding.

You can certainly drink but keep yourself in your control and know that you cannot ruin your big day. Instead of being drunk, you should be enjoying your big day consciously. You certainly would not want to have faded memories of your own wedding later.

Don’t be late

Literally nobody is late to their own wedding ceremony. It gives off the bad impression that you do not care enough. Wedding should be your big day and hence, you should be excited about it. And when you are excited about being somewhere, you just cannot be late. This is the first and foremost rule.

So, try not to give your spouse and your guests a negative impression about yourself. Be on time, and be proactive on your wedding.

Bail out of a speech

If you are sure that you will be giving a wedding speech, then make sure that you have prepared it beforehand. The venue is not the place where you would want to freestyle a speech or just go along with the flow.

Also, do not just bail out of the speech at the last moment if you have already decided to give it. This gives off a bad impression. Since it is your wedding, just be very confident about it and take charge.


All the above-mentioned things are those that you should never do at your own wedding. So, make sure that you have taken note of them all, and will not be doing any of these.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can actually make your wedding very memorable. This is because the above-mentioned mistakes are pretty common on weddings, and they do tend to ruin the whole mood/environment.

Lastly, as a general advice, make sure that the venue of your wedding is properly set up and is comfortable for the guests. This is where the benefits of hiring the best wedding rental packages MD come in.

What Is A Chimney Flue And Flue Liner

When you look at the chimney you feel that it is a fairly simple construction. You see the fireplace, dampers, and chimney. But there is more to it than meets the eye. Let’s talk about two commonly confused components of a chimney which should also be on your list during chimney inspection. The chimney flue and the flue liner.

What Is The Flue Liner?

Here the answer is pretty simple. First, you need to understand what a flue is. Right above your firebox, where you light our fire is the smoke chamber.

This is the place where the smoke enters and is then funneled out of the chimney. The smoke is compacted as it makes its way up through the chimney, with the help of the flue. Then it passes through the chimney crown, and then through the cap, and disperses in the air outside.

Chimney flue is usually made up of clay tiles or metals in some cases.

Earlier homes didn’t have flue liners, but after the 1940s it was normal to have them installed. Since flue liners are an integral part of your chimney’s functioning process, therefore, many states have made it obligatory for all chimneys to have flue liners.

Different Types Of Flue Liners

As mentioned above, typical chimneys have their flues liners made of clay tiles. This is the same clay that your backyard flower pots are made of. Clay chimney liners are by far the best way to offer protection against the chemicals found in smoke. They protect your chimneys from deteriorating owing to the aforementioned factors.

Over time these clay tiles will need to be replaced as they crack and deteriorate. Also, if there is considerable creosote build-up and your chimney catches fire, your clay tiles will crack from the heat and fire.

A useful option to line your chimney is to get a stainless-steel chimney liner. They offer sound protection against heat and smoke and can last you for a handsome two decades. The biggest advantage of stainless-steel liners is that they are durable and don’t crack nor corrode. After its installation, you only need to get it inspected once a year.

What Is Chimney Flue?

Chimney flue is the chamber through which the smoke and hot toxic gases make their way outside. The chimney is the visible standing structure that surrounds the flue. It provides insulation, which reduces the risk of fire hazards. A chimney can have several flues, as many fireplaces can be connected to the same chimney. There is an assortment of sizes and styles for chimney flues, but they require regular maintenance for optimal performance and safety.

Flues are usually made from high-quality heat resistant materials because the emitted gases can be very hot. The surrounding chimney structure gives it an additional fire resistance, and also helps in reducing the heat loss, as the bricks of the chimney heat up when gases and smoke pass through it outside the building.

Tiles, bricks, and ceramics are commonly used in the construction process of chimney flues. Although there is a possibility to use metals also for this purpose.

Why Its Used?

The main objective of the flue is to provide exhaust to the combusted materials so that they may not occupy the room. Usually, the flue emits harmful gases, with minimum heat loss, so that the fireplace remains warm for the people indoors without posing safety threats for them.

As far as the structure is concerned, flue liners are upright and they provide the best outlet for the uninterrupted flow of combustible gases and smoke outside the chimney. As with all construction materials, chimney flue will also deteriorate over time. It will get clogged due to the creosote buildup. In addition to compromising the efficacy of the flue, these materials also pose a serious fire hazard. If they get ignited by sparks, they will result in serious chimney fires which can be very dangerous. For this purpose, they need to be regularly cleaned to avoid any buildup and also to prevent fire hazards.

The flue liners need to be replaced after a couple of decades because the heat and smoke deteriorate the materials. You can call in chimney relining services Columbia MD to replace the flue liners.

What type of area rug should you buy?

Area rugs are similar to carpets but of a smaller size and different dimensions. Most rugs offered in rug stores are geometric in form, often circular, square, or rectangular. Like carpets, they provide color, comfort, and warmth to your place.


Do you want to upgrade your space and start on your dull and boring floors? Do you want to make it look more vibrant and pleasing to the eyes? An area rug is what you need.


Using an area rug has advantages aside from the beauty it gives to your space. Here are the three benefits of area rugs.

Protect the floors from scratch and damage

Sharp and heavy objects, pet claws, and furniture stands can slightly scratch your floors. Area rugs prevent these situations from happening.

Reduce the noise in your place

Cloths have a sound-dampening effect, reducing the sound. This very essential for spaces located on top with a downstairs neighbor.

Gives warm and cozy feeling to the place

Area rugs are best for the winter season. These rugs help to trap the warmth and make your space more homie and cozy.


In buying, you can be overwhelmed with thevarious types of rugsavailable. You need to put into consideration the style, the placement, and the budget. You should also study the material used and the durability. Here are the six most common materials for an area rug.


Wool rugs are traditionally handwoven and hand-knotted area rugs made    of natural fiber. These wool rugs are more expensive than the machine-loomed ones due to the extensive work in making them.


Silk rugs can be 100 % silk or silk blend. They are often thin, and soft to touch. These provide luxurious shine to your place but are less durable than most materials.


Cotton rugs are the most budget-friendly area rug. It is the best alternative to the higher-cost rugs. Cotton rugs are best for casual spaces. It is also best if you are the type to change your theme regularly. However, these rugs will fade quickly and do not last long.


Jute and Bamboo rags are best for spaces that need texture. These natural materials can add a nature vibe to indoor spaces. They can    be the base under a smaller decorative rug.


Leather rugs are woven strips. Hides and sheepskin are full animal hides. These rugs are best for small spaces and irregular shapes rooms. They tend to accumulate dirt, it is important to take them out and wash them regularly.


Microfiber rugs are made of either 100 % polyester or a mix of polyester and other synthetic fiber. They use tiny threads, often machine woven to mimic the look of the expensive wool rugs. These  rugs are inexpensive and great when you want a quick makeover without spending big.


Renovating a space is never easy. You have to choose the theme, the color, and the fixtures to put. You focus only on the top and never bother to look down below. Sometimes you don’t need to invest big for the floor, an area rug will do. It can be the defining feature of your space.

When you shop for rugs on sale Alexandria, think of all the factors to consider before picking one. Read our guide above to make sure you buy the best rug that fits your taste and your space.









What Are The Effects Of The Covid Pandemic On Sleep

The novel coronavirus has already put a global toll, whether it be mentally, physically or financially, but how does covid affects your sleep and what do sleep specialists say about this? Well, keep on reading to find out more.

COVID-19 And Sleep

COVID-19 has been a whirlwind of an event for all people. Lives have changed, people have shifted to new habits and modes of working. People who used to go into offices to work are suddenly advised to work from home, we cannot go outside without taking necessary precautions.

Wearing a face mask and having a sanitizer on hand has become a daily habit for us. People are taking care of their hygiene a lot too. People are advised to maintain a good distance from other people, so that they don’t contract the virus. So, it’s basically a major shift of habits and human interactions.

Although these things are in effect and people are scared about this virus, thankfully a vaccine is being created on the sidelines by the medical professionals and it will soon be globally available for everyone. With that being said, this new shift in routine in a lot of people’s lives to staying at home all day has really affected the sleeping routines.

People are staying up late at night, since there is nothing much to do, so they don’t get tired easily.

Because of sleeping late, people are also waking up late.

If a person has symptoms of covid, then they might find it difficult to breathe when they are laying down, this can also cause much disruption and anxiety while sleeping.

Because of no separation between work and personal life, people are finding it hard to distinguish between working time and personal time. This can also trick the brain and your body to become tired or groggy anywhere and without a specific time.

How To Sleep Better In A Pandemic?

Here are some ways by which you can get on track and improve your sleep routine even in a stressful situation such as a pandemic.

Make Exercise A Priority

As mentioned before, because of inactivity in our lives, the sleeping schedule is getting disrupted. To make sure that you sleep well at night, you need to tire your body out. This can be done by at-home workouts. Since gyms are not accessible at the moment, you can make the most out of the variety of at-home workouts available. Make it a priority to exercise daily so that you can tire out your body, this will help you to sleep better at night.

Set A Schedule

You need to set a schedule for yourself even in a pandemic. Make sure that you are following a tight schedule as if you are working in an office in real life. This will take a matter of days to get your body used to a routine and you will fall asleep better too. Having a said routine when you wake up and sleep every day, when you work and get off work will help you to stay on track with your life.

Work-Life Boundaries

If you are new to working from home, then you need to research more on how to set boundaries for your work life and personal life. The easiest way to do this is to separate the places where you work and sleep.

Your bedroom should only be a place of sleeping and resting, and you shouldn’t incorporate or penetrate work into your bedroom. It’s better to have a separate office space or a small room where you have a desk and your laptop where you can work and treat that place like an office cubicle.

While you’re at it, make sure that you are limiting the time you spend on your phone, since the blue light from the phone can stimulate your brain and force it to stay awake. Work and personal life boundaries are important to set to maintain a good routine.

COVID-19 has made people’s lives a lot harder with global lockdown, people losing their jobs and stress and depression. Follow these tips to improve your sleep. Go to a sleep disorder clinic if your sleep issues are severe and impacting your life.

Signs That You Should See An Allergy Doctor

Not all types of allergies are severe. Some are just mild and may not require the attention of an allergist. But at the same time, some allergy conditions may be severe. This is when you will need the help of an allergist doctor.

However, the real question is, when should you see an allergy doctor? As in, how would a person know that it is time to get an appointment. Indeed, this is quite confusing for many people who suffer from allergies.

Symptoms of Allergies

In this article, we will sort this out for you. Briefly, you will know about the severe symptoms of allergies. And in case you are feeling any of these, know that it is time to see an allergy doctor.

These symptoms include:


If you are constantly sneezing without any obvious reason, chances are that you are suffering from an allergic reaction. Such allergy symptoms are quite prominent, especially in the case of pollen allergies.

So, if it is the pollen season and you are suffering from constant sneezing, then it is time to see an allergy doctor. Though, if the sneezing is mild, then it may not be a sign of worry. However, if the sneezing is much worse and is becoming troublesome for you, then reach out to a doctor.

A doctor will most likely prescribe some allergy medications to you that will help control the symptoms until they pass.


Anaphylaxis refers to a set of severe allergy symptoms that include swelling in the mouth and throat, difficulty breathing, confusion, blue lips and skin, loss of consciousness, light-headedness, and confusion.

These are all severe symptoms and if you or anybody around seems to be suffering from them, then you must visit a doctor’s clinic right away.

If ignored, anaphylaxis could send one to the emergency room and in worst cases, it may even cause death. So, we suggest you not to ignore this.


If you suffer from asthma and allergies both, then your asthma attacks may become worse during an allergen breakout. This is especially common in the spring season, when the air around you is filled with microscopic pollens.

Since pollens are the most common allergen, they could trigger asthma attacks or make existing asthma conditions much worse.

Though, asthma itself can either be mild or life-threatening, depending on your individual case. So, be careful about it.

When to get a doctor’s appointment?

So, now you may wonder when it is time to get an appointment from the allergy specialist? Well, if you feel like you are getting sick, and feeling congestion, then it may be the time to see a doctor.

Moreover, we also suggest you take proper care of yourself. Until you can see a doctor, it is incredibly important to not to let your symptoms get worse. However, if you are still dealing with much worse symptoms, then we suggest you reach out to doctors right away!

When you visit the allergy doctor, he will carry out some basic allergy testing procedures and figure out what may be causing your symptoms.


Typically, the best time to see a doctor is on the first onset of symptoms. However, many people would prefer to wait until the condition becomes troublesome. Though, we suggest you go to a doctor as soon as possible.

A good allergist doctor Manassas will take your complete history and then determine whether you have an underlying allergy condition. If yes, then the doctor will also prescribe treatments and medications that may vary depending on your condition and case. This is the only way to get long-term relief from allergies.



7 Common Tree Diseases

Just like humans trees are also living things. Trees need food, shelter and care as well. They also get sick and get diseases for which you should get arborist services. Yes, even trees get diseases. Listed below are the common tree diseases.

Powdery Mildew

A very common disease recognized by rough white patches or layers on the upper surface of the leaves like a talcum powder appearance. This usually happens in warm dry conditions and to trees which are under shade. The onset of disease begins in winters and blooms in the spring season. The leaves began to deform and fall out. It can be treated with chemicals.

Witches Broom

The appearance of this disease is like a broom which spreads out in a weird manner. They grow on the lateral buds on different branches and the sight of infection is at weak points such as those where injury has taken place or where pruning has been done. Once a broom starts then it can spread all over the tree so the solution is to cut that branch off and also spray fungicides.


A very common disease which can be prevented with precautionary measures and care. The cause of the disease can be environmental stress, injury, extreme cold or hot weather, human errors and even mowing the area around it. It is characterized by a small sore or a huge dead area on the bark of the tree. The tissue becomes large and rough and often is formed in a group. If cankers are formed in young trees then it may kill or completely deform the tree but it cannot kill an old tree but may cause lifelong issues and deformities.


This disease is also known as Leaf Blight. In this disease the leaves turn brown, crimped and appear as they have been scorched. It is basically a fungal disease that affects mainly the leaves but the stem of the tree can also be affected. Leaves get brown spots and dead tissues. This mostly happens in the hot and humid weather and is spread by rain and the wind. It can be prevented by taking care of the tree and spraying fungicides.

Black Knot

This is also known as a Gall or Bitter Rot. These are small black ball type growths in the branches and the twigs. These are visible as small swellings or obscene growths. This usually takes place in the spring weather in humid and wet conditions by a fungus which tends to multiply and is seen in 8 to 12 months after the infection. The twigs and branches should be removed or cut down to stop the spread of these knots. If the tree is under severe infection and stress then parts of the bark should be removed.

Greasy Spot

This disease is characterized by brownish yellow sores or blisters on the lower surface of the leaves. These are mostly found on the citrus fruit trees. The blisters gradually develop into greasy spots and round protrusions. The leaves fall drastically as a result of this disease and even the fruit rind is affected. To avoid the spread of the disease and re-infection the fallen leaves should be removed.

Iron Deficiency

Trees also need nutrients to become healthy and grow well. If the soil in the area is deficient in nutrients then trees can become iron deficient. The telltale signs are yellowing of the leaves. You will be able to see a distinct outline of the skeleton of the leaf which will be green while the leaf will be turning yellow. Young trees do not grow well if they are deficient in iron and the leaves turn completely yellow, are smaller in size and also have stunted growth. It is due to alkaline soil and nutrient deficiency. Placing iron tablets in soil can cure the disease.

There are also many more diseases which your trees might get. Trees need proper care and attention and different species may get different diseases. You will need to get your trees checked by an expert arborist. And if the tree is diagnosed dead or is about to fall, get the service of tree removal companies Maryland to cut it from your property to avoid harm to anybody.

Commercial Ice Cream Freezer Is Not Freezing

If you own an ice cream shop, the last thing you would want to have is a malfunctioning ice cream freezer. The temperature inside the freezer needs to be perfect. If the ice cream is too soft, it means that the temperature is not sufficient and you might even need ice cream freezer repair. Whereas, if the ice cream is rock hard, it means that the temperature needs to be adjusted. Whatever the situation might be, a commercial ice cream freezer should be operating at its optimum. Let us discuss the possible causes and their fixes.

Start From The Basics

Before you go deep down into the technicalities, it is suggested that you start from the basics. Sometimes, the problem could be as simple as the door not being closed properly. A blast of air can prevent the door from closing properly and therefore, the temperature drops. If you observe that the freezer is not producing cold air, then first check if it is receiving power. Inspect the circuit breaker as well. It might be that it is tripped. If any of the above is the problem, then you are lucky to have an easy fix.

Check The Door Gaskets

Believe it or not but many problems related to commercial ice cream freezer not freezing relate to the door gaskets. If the freezer is off-level, the door will not seal properly. For instance, if the door is slightly leaning forward, the door will remain ajar. One might think that the door is closed but actually it isn’t. Therefore, make sure that the freezer is placed on a leveled surface.

Another reason for the door not sealing properly is because it might be dirty. Since door gaskets have a rubber seal installed around them, the accumulation of dirt and debris can prevent the door from sealing properly. Maintain and make sure that the freezer is kept clean.

Check The Coils

Freezers have a set of coils installed in the back that provide freezing power. Furthermore, the refrigerant also circulates inside them and evaporates once it enters the coils. Evaporation is a crucial process that draws heat out of the freezer compartment. However, this will hinder the process if the coils are frosted. Inspect the freezer coils by pulling the appliance. You will have a clear view of frosting.

If frosting is found, you will need to defrost your freezer. If the freezer is a manual-defrost model, then you will have to do it yourself. Otherwise, if it is an auto-defrost model, then it should automatically defrost itself. However, if it isn’t, there is something wrong with the defrost controls.

Equipment Malfunction

Apart from the evaporator coils, the condenser is another important component of a freezer. The reason being that it is responsible for driving the refrigerant through the coil system. Therefore, it should turn on and off for the freezer to get cold. The component that informs the condenser to turn on is called a thermistor. Check the thermistor by turning the temperature all the way off to all the way on. Listen to a clicking noise if any. If you do not hear a clicking sound, then the thermistor is not working. You will need a professional to come fix it.

Maintaining Your Freezer

Commercial ice cream freezers are not cheap. These are heavy-duty machines that work round the clock to serve the customers. Therefore, you cannot afford it to break down in the middle of a busy day. Not only will it affect the sales but force your customers to shift as well. With that being said, a commercial freezer like many other restaurant appliances needs regular maintenance. It should be kept clean and maintained in addition to being regularly inspected for leaks or malfunctioning.

Final Word

Commercial freezers are tough machines but with time can develop problems. If you own a new freezer then the problem might be an easy one to fix. However, older models could pose technical issues. In both cases, perform regular inspections and make sure that you keep it maintained at your end and get the help of commercial freezer repairs Northern VA experts whenever necessary.

The top auto glass tinting benefits

Note that all car window tints are not the same. There are a number of things that you should consider before choosing car window tints. And in this article, we discuss the most important of these things. So, before heading to any auto glass tinting store, we suggest you read this article full.

There is no doubt that cars look sharper due to auto window tinting. But the value of car window tints are far more than just the looks of the car. For instance, auto window tinting provides the car a shield from other elements.

With that, car window tinting can block more than 99% of the sun’s rays. They also reduce the heat in the interior which makes it easy for you to get into your car during a hot summer day.

Car window tinting guidance

In this article, we put together a number of things that you should know about car window tinting. With that, we also discuss how they provide protection to your truck or car.

What should you know?

Well, car window tints come in a wide variety of types. For instance, in the market, you will come across films with a metallic finishing, infrared finishing, ceramic finishing, OEM tinting, and a lot more.

Your choice will depend on many factors. This may also include your budget and the aesthetics that you prefer. So, make sure that you have done enough research on its before buying car window tints.

Shield from UV rays

Did you know, your vehicle absorbs harmful UV rays from the sun readily? In case you have a black car, then this might especially be true in your car. With that, the interior of the car is also often a very good absorber of heat.

This is why, you may have noticed that when you get inside your car on a hot sunny day, it is literally an oven inside.

So, since tinted glass reflects much of the sunlight away, the interior of your car does not heat up. With that, it also provides you protection from the UV rays. These rays are known to cause cancer and other skin ailments. So, having car window tints is definitely in your favor for the long run.

It protects your skin

Apart from providing protection to the upholstery and the dashboard, car window tints also protect your skin. So, in case you are driving around the town or taking a trip to the beach, this is going to be in your favor.

With that, if you are taking a lengthy road trip, it might also help in that case also.

Increases privacy

One of the major benefits of car window tints is that it increases the privacy inside your car. Now, you will not have people glaring inside and annoying you. This is a relief for many people who like to stay private and do not want to have awkward waves at the people that they remotely know.

Due to more security and more privacy, offenders may not be able to see any valuables in your car. Hence, chances of someone breaking inside your car would be much lesser.


Without a doubt, car window tints happen to be a popular choice for car owners who want to enjoy a range of benefits. In case this sounds like you, we suggest you explore this option for yourself.

In this regard, reach out to reliable auto window tinting Springfield shops near you and choose the best option. Do not discuss your needs and preferences with the professionals in order to receive the best advice from them.


7 Things To Do Before Turning On Your Furnace For The First Time In Winter

That time of the year when days are shorter and the nights are colder is here. Apart from wearing jackets and sweaters to keep yourself warm, it is also the time to turn on the furnace. Since the furnace was in hibernation mode, you need to consider several important things recommended by furnace services before you turn it on. These considerations are there to avoid any mishaps and prolong the life of your furnace. Therefore, let’s discuss them in detail.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

One of the most common mistakes people tend to make is ignoring annual maintenance. People assume that since the furnace is not being used, annual maintenance is not required and that is exactly where the problem starts. Even if you have not used the furnace for the entire year, annual maintenance is a must. Before turning on the furnace make sure that you get it professionally inspected. This will reduce the chances of the furnace being damaged if something were to be stuck in there.

Check The Vents And Heater

Before using the furnace make sure that the vents and heating equipment are not covered or blocked. It is often the case when people cover their outer units and forget to remove it when it is time to use the air-conditioner or the furnace. In addition to that, people tend to obstruct and block the heating system as well that reduces the efficiency of the furnace and encourages high electricity bills. Therefore, perform an inspection and make sure anything that might be obstructing the furnace is removed.

Check For Window Cracks

If you have cracks in your window or windows, the house will not retain heat. As a result, you will have to keep the furnace turned on for long hours without being aware of cracks existing in the windows. Ultimately, you will end up with high electricity bills that could have been avoided otherwise. Therefore, thoroughly check for cracks or leaks in the windows and doors before you turn on the furnace.

Check The Ductwork

Although ductwork is designed to last long but sometimes cracks and damage could occur causing the heat to escape before it ever reaches you. Even if it is a small crack or damage, you get it immediately fixed. While you are it, perform a complete inspection of the ductwork and make sure that it is clean and secure.

Check For Unusual Noises

Once having turned on the furnace you notice that it is making unusual noises or your furnace is struggling to run normally, you should know that there is something wrong with the furnace. Check if the furnace is receiving power or if anything is blocking it. Moreover, check if it is blowing hot air. If you are able to sort out the issue, then you can safely continue using the furnace. However, it is the case otherwise, you will need a professional to come check it out.

Check The Carbon Monoxide Detector Reading

Your furnace should have a carbon monoxide detector. If you do not have already, purchase and get it installed. If the carbon monoxide detector displays a reading above 30, you should turn off the furnace immediately and call a technician for help. Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas that can be seriously harmful to you and your family members. Therefore, turn on and test your carbon monoxide detector to make sure that it raises an alarm when something is serious.

Check The Smell

Once you turn on the furnace, it is common that you will smell dust burning. The reason being that over time dust will settle on the furnace and will burn once you turn it on. However, that will be for a few hours. If the burning smell continues for long, you need to turn off the furnace because something is fishy. Try cleaning the ducts and changing the filters. If the problem does not go away, call a technician.

Final Word

As this blog reaches its conclusion, we are sure to have shared everything you need to know about turning on the oil or gas furnace for the first time in winter. Following the steps outlined above will prevent your furnace from getting damaged and keep it running for years to come. You can also hire a furnace repair service Long Island for professional repair and maintenance.

Top reasons to get keratin treatment

Why would you want to get unknown treatments to get rid of your frizzy and untamed hair? Especially when you have a wonderful solution at hand. This solution is known as keratin treatment and for that, we suggest you take help from the best keratin treatment salon only.

The best thing about keratin treatment is that it is not just proven to be safe for hair and sin, but it is also very effective. However, you still might be curious about what the different ingredients in keratin treatment are.

If you want to get amazing results and straight/sleek hair, then keratin treatment is the best choice for you. It is quite convenient, and not too expensive either.

Main reason to get keratin treatment

So without wasting any time, let us get into it and see the main reasons why you should get keratin treatment.

Keratin repairs hair damage

One of the most notable qualities of keratin is that it repairs the damage done to your hair. This damage could be due to the chemicals that you have been using in hair coloring. Often at times, chemical treatments such as ammonia processing also causes significant damage to the hair.

And keratin treatment can repair all this damage, tame your hair, reduce split ends, and reduce the fizziness in your hair at the same time. This is the main reason why a big number of people prefer to get keratin treatment.

It has many advantages

Even if your hair is critically damaged, keratin treatment can do wonders for you. Eventually, it adds smoothness and a glow in your hair that you cannot find in other treatments.

In case you have frizzy or wavy hair and you want to get them straight, then keratin treatment is your best option.

Different types of treatments

Within the keratin treatments category, you can further find a range of different treatments. Though in general, you can find two types of straightening treatments in salons. These include the express blow-out and the natural keratin treatment.

If we compare both of these treatments, then the express blow-out gives a higher durability. Moreover, it may also take more time in the salon as compared to the natural keratin treatment. And so naturally, its price is also going to be slightly higher.

However, overall, both of these treatments are amazing and hence, you should consider getting one of these if you want to get thicker hair.

Easy to maintain

Perhaps the best thing about keratin treatment is that it is quite easy to maintain. In other words, you will not have to worry about your hair returning to their original texture. Unless you do not mistreat your hair with chemicals again, the results will remain from 6 to 8 months.

However, you will definitely have to take some small precautions. For instance, it is not advised to wash your hair within 24 hours of the treatment.

Typically, a hair stylist will suggest you wait for at least 48 hours before washing your hair after the treatment. This gives the keratin time to seep deep into your hair strand, strengthening them from within.


After reading all the reasons mentioned above, chances are that you are already considering getting keratin treatment at a hair salon. If yes, then start looking today.

There are very few hair salons that truly know this art. And hence, you must check enough reviews before choosing salon for Brazilian Keratin Straightening Rockville or simple keratin straightening. Both of these techniques are similar, and a hair stylist will be able to guide you the best about which one is better for you.