What Is A Chimney Flue And Flue Liner

When you look at the chimney you feel that it is a fairly simple construction. You see the fireplace, dampers, and chimney. But there is more to it than meets the eye. Let’s talk about two commonly confused components of a chimney which should also be on your list during chimney inspection. The chimney flue and the flue liner.

What Is The Flue Liner?

Here the answer is pretty simple. First, you need to understand what a flue is. Right above your firebox, where you light our fire is the smoke chamber.

This is the place where the smoke enters and is then funneled out of the chimney. The smoke is compacted as it makes its way up through the chimney, with the help of the flue. Then it passes through the chimney crown, and then through the cap, and disperses in the air outside.

Chimney flue is usually made up of clay tiles or metals in some cases.

Earlier homes didn’t have flue liners, but after the 1940s it was normal to have them installed. Since flue liners are an integral part of your chimney’s functioning process, therefore, many states have made it obligatory for all chimneys to have flue liners.

Different Types Of Flue Liners

As mentioned above, typical chimneys have their flues liners made of clay tiles. This is the same clay that your backyard flower pots are made of. Clay chimney liners are by far the best way to offer protection against the chemicals found in smoke. They protect your chimneys from deteriorating owing to the aforementioned factors.

Over time these clay tiles will need to be replaced as they crack and deteriorate. Also, if there is considerable creosote build-up and your chimney catches fire, your clay tiles will crack from the heat and fire.

A useful option to line your chimney is to get a stainless-steel chimney liner. They offer sound protection against heat and smoke and can last you for a handsome two decades. The biggest advantage of stainless-steel liners is that they are durable and don’t crack nor corrode. After its installation, you only need to get it inspected once a year.

What Is Chimney Flue?

Chimney flue is the chamber through which the smoke and hot toxic gases make their way outside. The chimney is the visible standing structure that surrounds the flue. It provides insulation, which reduces the risk of fire hazards. A chimney can have several flues, as many fireplaces can be connected to the same chimney. There is an assortment of sizes and styles for chimney flues, but they require regular maintenance for optimal performance and safety.

Flues are usually made from high-quality heat resistant materials because the emitted gases can be very hot. The surrounding chimney structure gives it an additional fire resistance, and also helps in reducing the heat loss, as the bricks of the chimney heat up when gases and smoke pass through it outside the building.

Tiles, bricks, and ceramics are commonly used in the construction process of chimney flues. Although there is a possibility to use metals also for this purpose.

Why Its Used?

The main objective of the flue is to provide exhaust to the combusted materials so that they may not occupy the room. Usually, the flue emits harmful gases, with minimum heat loss, so that the fireplace remains warm for the people indoors without posing safety threats for them.

As far as the structure is concerned, flue liners are upright and they provide the best outlet for the uninterrupted flow of combustible gases and smoke outside the chimney. As with all construction materials, chimney flue will also deteriorate over time. It will get clogged due to the creosote buildup. In addition to compromising the efficacy of the flue, these materials also pose a serious fire hazard. If they get ignited by sparks, they will result in serious chimney fires which can be very dangerous. For this purpose, they need to be regularly cleaned to avoid any buildup and also to prevent fire hazards.

The flue liners need to be replaced after a couple of decades because the heat and smoke deteriorate the materials. You can call in chimney relining services Columbia MD to replace the flue liners.

What Are The Effects Of The Covid Pandemic On Sleep

The novel coronavirus has already put a global toll, whether it be mentally, physically or financially, but how does covid affects your sleep and what do sleep specialists say about this? Well, keep on reading to find out more.

COVID-19 And Sleep

COVID-19 has been a whirlwind of an event for all people. Lives have changed, people have shifted to new habits and modes of working. People who used to go into offices to work are suddenly advised to work from home, we cannot go outside without taking necessary precautions.

Wearing a face mask and having a sanitizer on hand has become a daily habit for us. People are taking care of their hygiene a lot too. People are advised to maintain a good distance from other people, so that they don’t contract the virus. So, it’s basically a major shift of habits and human interactions.

Although these things are in effect and people are scared about this virus, thankfully a vaccine is being created on the sidelines by the medical professionals and it will soon be globally available for everyone. With that being said, this new shift in routine in a lot of people’s lives to staying at home all day has really affected the sleeping routines.

People are staying up late at night, since there is nothing much to do, so they don’t get tired easily.

Because of sleeping late, people are also waking up late.

If a person has symptoms of covid, then they might find it difficult to breathe when they are laying down, this can also cause much disruption and anxiety while sleeping.

Because of no separation between work and personal life, people are finding it hard to distinguish between working time and personal time. This can also trick the brain and your body to become tired or groggy anywhere and without a specific time.

How To Sleep Better In A Pandemic?

Here are some ways by which you can get on track and improve your sleep routine even in a stressful situation such as a pandemic.

Make Exercise A Priority

As mentioned before, because of inactivity in our lives, the sleeping schedule is getting disrupted. To make sure that you sleep well at night, you need to tire your body out. This can be done by at-home workouts. Since gyms are not accessible at the moment, you can make the most out of the variety of at-home workouts available. Make it a priority to exercise daily so that you can tire out your body, this will help you to sleep better at night.

Set A Schedule

You need to set a schedule for yourself even in a pandemic. Make sure that you are following a tight schedule as if you are working in an office in real life. This will take a matter of days to get your body used to a routine and you will fall asleep better too. Having a said routine when you wake up and sleep every day, when you work and get off work will help you to stay on track with your life.

Work-Life Boundaries

If you are new to working from home, then you need to research more on how to set boundaries for your work life and personal life. The easiest way to do this is to separate the places where you work and sleep.

Your bedroom should only be a place of sleeping and resting, and you shouldn’t incorporate or penetrate work into your bedroom. It’s better to have a separate office space or a small room where you have a desk and your laptop where you can work and treat that place like an office cubicle.

While you’re at it, make sure that you are limiting the time you spend on your phone, since the blue light from the phone can stimulate your brain and force it to stay awake. Work and personal life boundaries are important to set to maintain a good routine.

COVID-19 has made people’s lives a lot harder with global lockdown, people losing their jobs and stress and depression. Follow these tips to improve your sleep. Go to a sleep disorder clinic if your sleep issues are severe and impacting your life.

7 Common Tree Diseases

Just like humans trees are also living things. Trees need food, shelter and care as well. They also get sick and get diseases for which you should get arborist services. Yes, even trees get diseases. Listed below are the common tree diseases.

Powdery Mildew

A very common disease recognized by rough white patches or layers on the upper surface of the leaves like a talcum powder appearance. This usually happens in warm dry conditions and to trees which are under shade. The onset of disease begins in winters and blooms in the spring season. The leaves began to deform and fall out. It can be treated with chemicals.

Witches Broom

The appearance of this disease is like a broom which spreads out in a weird manner. They grow on the lateral buds on different branches and the sight of infection is at weak points such as those where injury has taken place or where pruning has been done. Once a broom starts then it can spread all over the tree so the solution is to cut that branch off and also spray fungicides.


A very common disease which can be prevented with precautionary measures and care. The cause of the disease can be environmental stress, injury, extreme cold or hot weather, human errors and even mowing the area around it. It is characterized by a small sore or a huge dead area on the bark of the tree. The tissue becomes large and rough and often is formed in a group. If cankers are formed in young trees then it may kill or completely deform the tree but it cannot kill an old tree but may cause lifelong issues and deformities.


This disease is also known as Leaf Blight. In this disease the leaves turn brown, crimped and appear as they have been scorched. It is basically a fungal disease that affects mainly the leaves but the stem of the tree can also be affected. Leaves get brown spots and dead tissues. This mostly happens in the hot and humid weather and is spread by rain and the wind. It can be prevented by taking care of the tree and spraying fungicides.

Black Knot

This is also known as a Gall or Bitter Rot. These are small black ball type growths in the branches and the twigs. These are visible as small swellings or obscene growths. This usually takes place in the spring weather in humid and wet conditions by a fungus which tends to multiply and is seen in 8 to 12 months after the infection. The twigs and branches should be removed or cut down to stop the spread of these knots. If the tree is under severe infection and stress then parts of the bark should be removed.

Greasy Spot

This disease is characterized by brownish yellow sores or blisters on the lower surface of the leaves. These are mostly found on the citrus fruit trees. The blisters gradually develop into greasy spots and round protrusions. The leaves fall drastically as a result of this disease and even the fruit rind is affected. To avoid the spread of the disease and re-infection the fallen leaves should be removed.

Iron Deficiency

Trees also need nutrients to become healthy and grow well. If the soil in the area is deficient in nutrients then trees can become iron deficient. The telltale signs are yellowing of the leaves. You will be able to see a distinct outline of the skeleton of the leaf which will be green while the leaf will be turning yellow. Young trees do not grow well if they are deficient in iron and the leaves turn completely yellow, are smaller in size and also have stunted growth. It is due to alkaline soil and nutrient deficiency. Placing iron tablets in soil can cure the disease.

There are also many more diseases which your trees might get. Trees need proper care and attention and different species may get different diseases. You will need to get your trees checked by an expert arborist. And if the tree is diagnosed dead or is about to fall, get the service of tree removal companies Maryland to cut it from your property to avoid harm to anybody.

Commercial Ice Cream Freezer Is Not Freezing

If you own an ice cream shop, the last thing you would want to have is a malfunctioning ice cream freezer. The temperature inside the freezer needs to be perfect. If the ice cream is too soft, it means that the temperature is not sufficient and you might even need ice cream freezer repair. Whereas, if the ice cream is rock hard, it means that the temperature needs to be adjusted. Whatever the situation might be, a commercial ice cream freezer should be operating at its optimum. Let us discuss the possible causes and their fixes.

Start From The Basics

Before you go deep down into the technicalities, it is suggested that you start from the basics. Sometimes, the problem could be as simple as the door not being closed properly. A blast of air can prevent the door from closing properly and therefore, the temperature drops. If you observe that the freezer is not producing cold air, then first check if it is receiving power. Inspect the circuit breaker as well. It might be that it is tripped. If any of the above is the problem, then you are lucky to have an easy fix.

Check The Door Gaskets

Believe it or not but many problems related to commercial ice cream freezer not freezing relate to the door gaskets. If the freezer is off-level, the door will not seal properly. For instance, if the door is slightly leaning forward, the door will remain ajar. One might think that the door is closed but actually it isn’t. Therefore, make sure that the freezer is placed on a leveled surface.

Another reason for the door not sealing properly is because it might be dirty. Since door gaskets have a rubber seal installed around them, the accumulation of dirt and debris can prevent the door from sealing properly. Maintain and make sure that the freezer is kept clean.

Check The Coils

Freezers have a set of coils installed in the back that provide freezing power. Furthermore, the refrigerant also circulates inside them and evaporates once it enters the coils. Evaporation is a crucial process that draws heat out of the freezer compartment. However, this will hinder the process if the coils are frosted. Inspect the freezer coils by pulling the appliance. You will have a clear view of frosting.

If frosting is found, you will need to defrost your freezer. If the freezer is a manual-defrost model, then you will have to do it yourself. Otherwise, if it is an auto-defrost model, then it should automatically defrost itself. However, if it isn’t, there is something wrong with the defrost controls.

Equipment Malfunction

Apart from the evaporator coils, the condenser is another important component of a freezer. The reason being that it is responsible for driving the refrigerant through the coil system. Therefore, it should turn on and off for the freezer to get cold. The component that informs the condenser to turn on is called a thermistor. Check the thermistor by turning the temperature all the way off to all the way on. Listen to a clicking noise if any. If you do not hear a clicking sound, then the thermistor is not working. You will need a professional to come fix it.

Maintaining Your Freezer

Commercial ice cream freezers are not cheap. These are heavy-duty machines that work round the clock to serve the customers. Therefore, you cannot afford it to break down in the middle of a busy day. Not only will it affect the sales but force your customers to shift as well. With that being said, a commercial freezer like many other restaurant appliances needs regular maintenance. It should be kept clean and maintained in addition to being regularly inspected for leaks or malfunctioning.

Final Word

Commercial freezers are tough machines but with time can develop problems. If you own a new freezer then the problem might be an easy one to fix. However, older models could pose technical issues. In both cases, perform regular inspections and make sure that you keep it maintained at your end and get the help of commercial freezer repairs Northern VA experts whenever necessary.

7 Things To Do Before Turning On Your Furnace For The First Time In Winter

That time of the year when days are shorter and the nights are colder is here. Apart from wearing jackets and sweaters to keep yourself warm, it is also the time to turn on the furnace. Since the furnace was in hibernation mode, you need to consider several important things recommended by furnace services before you turn it on. These considerations are there to avoid any mishaps and prolong the life of your furnace. Therefore, let’s discuss them in detail.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

One of the most common mistakes people tend to make is ignoring annual maintenance. People assume that since the furnace is not being used, annual maintenance is not required and that is exactly where the problem starts. Even if you have not used the furnace for the entire year, annual maintenance is a must. Before turning on the furnace make sure that you get it professionally inspected. This will reduce the chances of the furnace being damaged if something were to be stuck in there.

Check The Vents And Heater

Before using the furnace make sure that the vents and heating equipment are not covered or blocked. It is often the case when people cover their outer units and forget to remove it when it is time to use the air-conditioner or the furnace. In addition to that, people tend to obstruct and block the heating system as well that reduces the efficiency of the furnace and encourages high electricity bills. Therefore, perform an inspection and make sure anything that might be obstructing the furnace is removed.

Check For Window Cracks

If you have cracks in your window or windows, the house will not retain heat. As a result, you will have to keep the furnace turned on for long hours without being aware of cracks existing in the windows. Ultimately, you will end up with high electricity bills that could have been avoided otherwise. Therefore, thoroughly check for cracks or leaks in the windows and doors before you turn on the furnace.

Check The Ductwork

Although ductwork is designed to last long but sometimes cracks and damage could occur causing the heat to escape before it ever reaches you. Even if it is a small crack or damage, you get it immediately fixed. While you are it, perform a complete inspection of the ductwork and make sure that it is clean and secure.

Check For Unusual Noises

Once having turned on the furnace you notice that it is making unusual noises or your furnace is struggling to run normally, you should know that there is something wrong with the furnace. Check if the furnace is receiving power or if anything is blocking it. Moreover, check if it is blowing hot air. If you are able to sort out the issue, then you can safely continue using the furnace. However, it is the case otherwise, you will need a professional to come check it out.

Check The Carbon Monoxide Detector Reading

Your furnace should have a carbon monoxide detector. If you do not have already, purchase and get it installed. If the carbon monoxide detector displays a reading above 30, you should turn off the furnace immediately and call a technician for help. Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas that can be seriously harmful to you and your family members. Therefore, turn on and test your carbon monoxide detector to make sure that it raises an alarm when something is serious.

Check The Smell

Once you turn on the furnace, it is common that you will smell dust burning. The reason being that over time dust will settle on the furnace and will burn once you turn it on. However, that will be for a few hours. If the burning smell continues for long, you need to turn off the furnace because something is fishy. Try cleaning the ducts and changing the filters. If the problem does not go away, call a technician.

Final Word

As this blog reaches its conclusion, we are sure to have shared everything you need to know about turning on the oil or gas furnace for the first time in winter. Following the steps outlined above will prevent your furnace from getting damaged and keep it running for years to come. You can also hire a furnace repair service Long Island for professional repair and maintenance.

How To Select The Right Thickness For Your Kitchen Countertop

To decide about the thickness of your granite countertop, you should consider the usage of the area and the style you want to give that area as well as installation. If you plan to have a natural stone kitchen countertop you have the choices of it being marble, quartzite, sandstone and granite.

We are listing below some tips that will help you in deciding the thickness of your kitchen countertop if it’s any natural stone.

Standard Thickness

The basic natural stone countertop comes in 2cm and 3cm thickness. If you want your countertop to look thicker than this then by building up the edges, a thicker look can be achieved.

As the kitchen is the focal point of any home, it’s always a good idea to make it exciting and unique. When using granite as your countertop, 3cm thickness is usually enough as far as durability is concerned. And for quartzite, being more durable, 2cm thickness can do the job.


The countertop cost depends on its size. The more material it takes to make a countertop, the more it will cost. It is a myth that the 2cm countertops are less expensive. Although the material cost is less, the 2cm countertops usually cost the same with all the handling and installation cost. 2cm slabs require more attention and care to avoid any damage. Marble tops are even more prone to damage as it is a softer stone. 2cm thick countertops are supported by a 3/8” plywood deck to increase its strength and resistance.

Area Consideration

What is more prevalent in your area? The answer to this question will not only help you decide about what you choose for your kitchen countertop but also it can affect the resale value of your home. If you decide to have a natural stone countertop, the resale value of your home will increase. The thickness also varies from area to area. In Canada, the west coast usually has 2cm countertops while in the other areas 3cm countertops are preferred.


Choosing a quartzite countertop can offer you a lot. It can take so many styles and colours. It can look like granite or marble while giving a concrete feel. But these possibilities don’t mean that any manner will work in any home and with whatever thickness. Some kitchens, for a subtle look, can look their best with a thinner sleeker countertop.

Counter to this situation. Some kitchens can look more beautiful with a waterfall side and a built edge.

In our opinion, 3cm thick granite countertops are best for the kitchen because of their stain resistance and strength. Granite slabs can have substantial, seamless edges. This gives them a higher value, and they are best suited in a high-utility environment like a kitchen. There is another benefit of using a 3cm thick countertop in the kitchen, and it can hold out against overhang clearances up to 12” with either decorative or hidden supports. This is great for an eat-in kitchen with bar stools along with the cabinets.

Edge Style

The edge of a kitchen countertop is, usually, a straight edge with slightly rounded or eased corners to avoid the sharp line. But there are other options available depending on the thickness of your countertop. Here are so many style possibilities like bullnose, Dupont. Ogee, half-bullnose etc. Some of these styles look better with a thinner edge while some look great on a thicker border. 2cm countertops can offer decorative styles like Dupont and ogee. These styles will give your kitchen a more formal look. On the other hand, a 3cm countertop can provide a beautiful bullnose which can make your kitchen counter more appealing to look at. So, many of the ornate, stacked edges require a thick countertop to create glamour and drama, while simpler options can use any thickness.

Choosing the thickness of your kitchen countertop seems like a simple decision to make, but it could be one of the most critical decisions. The right thickness decides the pricing, resistance to chipping and breakage and also installation method. Therefore, make sure you do not overlook the importance of this. Consult with granite companies Potomac to learn more about countertop designs and thickness.

7 Steps For Fixing Your AC Refrigerant Leak

A refrigerant leak is one problem that can develop in your condenser pipes inside your air conditioner that can render the whole appliance useless. This makes it something that needs to be addressed on a priority basis for which you have to find an AC repair service. Here are all the steps involved to solve the refrigerant leak of your air conditioner.

Confirm that you have a refrigerant leak problem in the AC

The most obvious sign of a leak is that your air conditioner will fail to cool the room, even after a long time with all the settings cranked up to the max. This, however, does not automatically confirm that you have a leak, as there are other reasons as well for the air conditioner not working, such as compressor problems, so you will rule those out first before proceeding.

Disconnect power & let the unit rest before approaching it

When determining a leak, you need to let the air conditioning unit stabilize so that you can reliably detect the leak in the system. The way to do this is to make sure that any power going into the unit is cut and that the system is allowed to rest so that it can go back to its original state, before you take it apart for an inspection.

Determine the root cause of the problem before a gas refill

This is important. Just refilling the gas one more time, while the leakage is still present means wasting both time and effort, not to mention some expensive refrigerant gas, which can by the way, also pose serious health hazards if it’s allowed into the atmosphere. Common sense dictates that you must fix the leak first before refilling the gas in the air conditioner.

Check the entire piping of the air conditioner for the cause

Once you believe that the air conditioner has rested enough to stabilize, you are now ready to disassemble in and pinpoint the exact spot of the AC leakage, as well as what caused it in the first place, so that such a situation can be avoided to the best of your abilities in the future.

Remove any dust accumulated onto the condenser drain

When you disassemble the top cover of your air conditioner, chances are you will see that the piping is caked in dust. You must vacuum this out so that the work area where you will be observing for the leak is free of any hindrances.

Use a halogen bulb to zero in on the leak in the AC unit

Obviously, a leak like this will be impossible to detect from the naked eye. That is why you need some special apparatus to determine the location of the puncture. Now since you are not a professional with the right tools, you will need to do some improvisation, and that is to use a halogen bulb instead to light up the pipe from the inside and see where there is a leak or a hole.

See if the leak is repairable or a replacement is needed

Once you have determined exactly where the refrigerant leakage emanated, you are ready to patch it up if possible. If not, you might have to get a replacement. Afterwards, just fill up the unit with gas again and you are good to go.

Every minute that passes by with a refrigerant leak in your condenser coils can be deadly for the appliance, and so in order for you to be able to fix the problem in time, you first need to diagnose it. Unfortunately, the signs of such an HVAC issue are not immediately apparent, and it is not until a considerable amount of the gas has leaked that you will notice that your air conditioner is not functioning as intended.

In order to remedy this scenario, you need frequent AC or HVAC inspection and servicing by trained and certified air conditioning companies Fairfax only. This will not only enable you to find and fix any issues in time, it will also play a significant role in allowing you to perverse the overall lifespan of your AC, and ensure that it keeps working as expected for a long time to come.

4 Huge Benefits Of Getting An Uncontested Divorce

Marriage is a lifelong bliss (not necessarily). Marriages also fail and end up in separation or divorce. There may be tons of reasons for this but the major problem comes when you get divorced as you have to go through trials, fights, paperwork and what not which comes along with stress and major financial distress. Some of it can be subsided by having a good family attorney at your side.

Marriage is easy but divorce comes with difficulties. But there is an easy way out. If you and your spouse stay on good terms and agree on issues that are likely to create problems, then you can file for an uncontested divorce. In this kind of divorce you would not need to contest your divorce in court, or go for trials and hearings or are under the mercy of the judge, but you and your spouse can mutually and fairly agree on major things such as alimony, child and parental support and expenses, debt division, property and asset division and the meeting of the children. Marriage ends respectfully and peacefully for both the parties.

Less Cost

The major benefit of an uncontested divorce is that there are less costs. When you go for a contested divorce then there are costs of the lawyer, the mediator, the paperwork, for the trials and if there are issues created by any one of the spouses then the costs increase a lot.

Contested divorce can get really expensive and may cause a financial strain in your pockets later in your life and that is the reason why 90% of the Americans are opting for an uncontested divorce to save their hard earned money. If you are able to sort out the issues with your partner then it will surely benefit you in terms of the cost.

The Process Is Fast

In the case of an uncontested divorce there are no trials, no hearings at the court, no frequent visits to the lawyer, hence there is less time wasted. In a contested divorce the divorce lawyer will call you for many meetings, for issues related to debt and property settlement, child support and child custody and many times one of the schools may try to create more issues which may further prolong the process of the divorce.

Many times the divorce may take years and years which leads to a waste of time and further stress. Uncontested divorce is a fast and quick process in which there are no trials of hearings, but only official paperwork and documents involved which take almost half the time when compared to contested divorce.

Less Stress And More Emotional Wellbeing

In a contested divorce both the spouses are stressed out as they do not know whose favor the decision will be taken in. The judge will decide the final verdict based on the allegations and hearings of both the parties. You will not know till the end how much child support you need to pay or about the division of the property and assets and who gets the child custody. This will take a toll on your emotional and mental health and also your children as they will also be dragged in this and they may also have to choose sides which will be difficult for them.

In an uncontested divorce everything is agreed on mutually with both parties consent and you know what to expect so it is a peaceful and not a stressful situation.

Your Private Life Stays Confidential

In a contested divorce, your relationship, your marriage, your flaws and your divorce is out in the public in front of everyone. In the case of an uncontested divorce your private life is not exposed hence there are no complications created by any external factor. Your negotiations and terms of divorce are not out in the open except the paperwork and documents which you filed for divorce legally are publicly accessible.

More and more people are now opting for an uncontested divorce especially those who had short marriages, no children or no property to divide because of the quick process. Moreover, uncontested divorce lawyers Fairfax VA are also helpful in the process and typically charge less as there is nothing to fight over.

What Are Acute Elbow Injuries And Their Types

Acute elbow injuries is a spectrum of bone damages that occur suddenly within the time frame of the event. Ranging from fractures to acute elbow sprains and torn ligaments that immediate intervention of an orthopedic elbow specialist, today we will be discussing the most common causes of acute onset elbow pain in children, adults and athletes.

Elbow Fractures

An elbow fracture is defined as a break between the bones that form the elbow joint. A fracture can take place in either the humerus (the forearm bone) or the radius and ulna (the two bones that form the arm). They usually happen as a result of high impact or a hard fall on the outstretched hand. These fractures require urgent medical care as the elbow joint hosts a lot of important neurovascular bundles that may cause permanent disability. Here are some of the common examples:

Radial Head Fracture

A radial head fracture results after an injury to the head of the radius bone after a fall on an outstretched hand. The breakage is just below the elbow joint, and symptoms that occur are excruciating pain at the time of an injury and sudden Pain when the person attempts to bend or move the affected part. These fractures are usually not dislocated so the overall outcome is favorable.

Olecranon Fractures

The olecranon is a large prominence of the ulnar bone at the back of the elbow. Fractures in this area usually result due to a fall on the bent elbow. In most cases the only symptoms are a sense of dull pain at the time of the insult and inability of the person to straighten the elbow. Rapid swelling and tenderness can ensue within minutes of injury so medical assistance is advised.

Condylar Fractures

The condyles are the two upper most prominences on the humerus bone. The condylar fracture is a break between these two parts. The outer (lateral) condyle is more prone to injury as opposed to medial (inner) one. Symptoms include a crunching or rustling sound when the person attempts to move the elbow. After a few x-rays, if you’re lucky to have an undisplaced fracture, simple immobilization or cast or splint can do the trick. For displaced parts, surgery is usually indicated.

The Capitellum Fracture

A capitellum fracture usually involves breakage of the small part of bone that articulates with the radius at the elbow joint. Fractures to this area usually occur as a result of a fall on an outstretched hand. The patient usually presents with typical symptoms of pain and swelling at the site of an injury. 90% fractures will result in displacement hence surgical fixation is advised.

Dislocated Elbow

A dislocated elbow is the second most common joint injury just behind shoulder dislocation. Thankfully this joint is very resilient to injury and rare dislocation will occur due to severe trauma or falls. Symptoms such as pain, swelling, bruising on the inside and outside of the elbow are common. These types of dislocations are acute medical emergencies and need the attention of orthopedic doctors.

Elbow Ligament Sprains

A SPRAIN is defined as a stretching or rupture of the ligaments of the joint. Ligaments form the basic structure of the joints and help provide added durability and strength.

Elbow Hyperextension Injury

Elbow hyperextension injuries occur as a result of stretching of the elbow joint in the backward direction. These injuries occur as a result of sports injuries such as rugby and martial arts. The patient will feel pain when they attempt to straighten the joint. A round of icing, taping and compression can reduce the symptoms remarkably.

Bruised Elbow/Contusion

A bruised elbow or contusion is a common cause of elbow joint pain. An elbow contusion results due to an injury on an outstretched hand or a fall on the direct. The elbow mostly looks swollen and bruised on its outer appearance. Usually this condition can be treated with ice packs and compressions. What’s more evident of serious damage is a sudden perception of needles and tingles on the affected area most probably due to ulnar nerve damage. We recommend monitoring your symptoms and getting an x-ray done ASAP.

Here you go folks, a comprehensive guide on elbow injuries and acute onset elbow pain. You know you need to consult with an elbow injury doctor McLean if you experience any of above.

How To Make Your Dishwasher Energy Efficient

A dishwasher is one of the more power hungry appliances in your home, and so it makes perfect sense to want to cut down its energy and water consumption. But how? Would you need dishwasher repair for that? Here are ten tips you can follow to make your household dishwasher more green.

Make Sure To Wash All The Dishes Of A Day In One Go

Instead of running the dishwasher again and again for washing just a few dishes every time you have a meal, wait until you are done with all eating for the day. By that time, your dishwasher will be fully loaded and it will take just one run to wash all your dishes for the day.

Make Sure To Choose A Washer That Is Energy Star Compliant

These modern dishwashers have to comply with standards set forth by the energy star committee which ensures that the dishwasher, or any other approved appliance for that matter, use only as much energy as required and minimize wastage.

Go For Natural, Chemical Free Dishwashing Solutions

When going shopping, make sure to look for a dishwashing agent that is phosphate free and biodegradable, because when the water from your dishwashing appliance goes down the drain, you want to make sure it is not harmful to the environment and can be easily recycled.

Save Water By Skipping The Pre-Rinse Before Loading

Today dishwashers are powerful enough to clean any dishes without needing to be pre-rinsed. Wasting your time, energy and most importantly all the water for pre-rinsing before loading dishes in the washer serves little purpose, and you can completely skip this practice.

Dial Down The Temperature On The Thermostat

Your dishwasher is already connected to your hot water line so using the heating element in the dishwasher to warm the water again is pretty redundant. Keeping the thermostat at a consistent 120 degrees will save you ample amount of energy.

Avoid Using The Built-In Drier In Your Dishwasher

Modern dishwashers are also equipped with a dryer that is used as an electric heater and fan to blow hot air over the wet dishes, thereby drying them so they are ready to use. All of this of course uses a good amount of electricity, and the same thing can be achieved by just leaving the dishwasher door open overnight so they can dry off naturally, ready for use in the morning.

Do Not Invest In A Model That Is Too Big For Your Needs

If you live by yourself, there is no need for you to invest in a dishwasher that can hold 60 dishes at one time. Go compact, as these are not just energy efficient, they are a lot less costly too, and are perfect for washing all your days worth of dishes.

Use As Few Dishes As Possible To Avoid Wasting Water

You can also cut down the amount of energy and water used in washing your dishes by using less dishes to eat. Instead of using three separate dishes for a multi course meal, just use a single dish with modest portions of every course. As a bonus, this will also help you maintain a healthy diet.

Make Sure To Keep The Dishwasher Away From The Fridge

Your dishwasher expels heat from its radiator fins on the back which can hinder the working of your refrigerator, and force it to use more energy.

Only Run Your Dishwasher During Off Peak Hours

In many places around the world, the electricity company charges different rates for unit consumption during the peak and off-peak hours in a day. This is a good way to save on utility bills.

There is no denying the fact that washing dishes by hand will almost always be greener than using a dishwasher. But the appliance exists for a reason, and that is to provide convenience. Should that come at the cost of environmental degradation? We don’t think so. If you follow the above tips, there is no reason you cannot enjoy the benefits that having a dishwasher brings without imposing on earth’s natural resources.

Moreover, to keep your dishwasher using less energy, make sure to maintain and repair it from reputable appliance repair Springfield experts.