How Do I Know If My Heat Pump Blower Motor Is Bad?

A heat pump is an essential household appliance. Although a heat pump comprises several components, the blower motor is an important one that helps distribute warm air. This means you wouldn’t want your blower motor to give up just when you need the furnace the most. We are going to look at some signs that will help you determine if your blower motor has either gone bad or is about to. So, you can consider heat pump repair in time.

Lack Of Airflow From The Vents

If you turn on the heat pump and notice there is no air coming from the vents, it means there is a problem. It might be that your blower motor has malfunctioned or is broken. In this case, you cannot do much but replace the motor. Keep in mind that if it is a new unit, you might be able to get it replaced without any costs under warranty.

However, if the unit tends to be old, it should not come as a surprise. The reason is, that no matter how well-maintained a heat pump is, the components will turn weaker with time and will need replacement. At the same time, there could also be other reasons no air is coming from the vents such as a faulty thermostat or a bad relay, etc. Therefore, you will need to be sure about the root cause of the problem.

Increasing Energy Bills

Although heat pumps contribute to the increase in energy bills as they help produce heat and are mostly used throughout the chilly season, it does not mean the bills are extremely high. That said, if you observe the electricity bills going up all of a sudden, it means there is something wrong with the blower motor.

In the entire heat pump, the blower motor is perhaps the only component that consumes the most energy. This means there is a decrease in the heat pump’s performance and efficiency causing the heat pump to work harder than usual, which is extra in this case to produce the same amount of heat.

Then again, there could be several other reasons your energy bills have increased unexpectedly. Someone else in the house might be using an electric appliance more frequently. You should always be certain about the problem before finding a solution.

Sometimes, the problem is not what it seems like. It might be caused by external factors and the malfunction might be a result.

Weird Noises

As mentioned earlier, a heat pump has several different components. With time, these components can produce all sorts of problems like rattling, clanking, or screeching. When this happens, you should try to find the source of the noise as soon as possible and turn off the furnace.

If you are not able to find out where the noise is coming from, you should call an expert. The expert will run a thorough inspection of the blower motor and go through each component to ensure the root cause of the problem. If there are squealing or screeching noises, it means there is a bearing issue in the heat pump.

Whereas, a rattling or knocking noise means something inside the heat pump is broken. However, banging noises tend to be the most serious and noisiest. Such sounds mean the entire blower motor has malfunctioned and needs replacement. Then again, the task should be handed over to a professional.

Cold Air From The Unit

If your heat pump is blowing cold air, you need to call an expert for inspection. However, the blower motor is not to be blamed each time in such cases due to the fact there could be other reasons such as blocked air ducts or dirty air filters that are causing the problem.

Keep in mind that heat pumps are household appliances and require maintenance to keep running smoothly. For instance, the air filters are designed to trap contaminants and will become dirty with time. To avoid such situations, you should consult the user manual.

While it is relatively easy to access and clean components like air filters, there are some hidden in complicated areas that are not easily accessible. Do not try to experiment with such components as you might end up hurting yourself.

Instead, call a professional from HVAC companies Port Jefferson who will thoroughly clean the components and utilize the proper tools to reach narrow and difficult areas.

The Heat Pump Is Not Powering Up

If you turn on the heat pump and notice it is not powering up, it means the blower motor has most probably gone bad. In some cases, the heat pump will turn on and won’t blow air. Plus, the heat pump may also not show any signs of malfunction.

This could be a fairly complicated issue as you or the expert will need to check all the components individually. Before you can get down to checking the heat pump, you should check the thermostat and other factors that might be causing the problem. Start by checking the power and power-related components.

Capacitor Malfunction

The capacitor is an electronic device that provides the charge for the motor to turn on. If it has malfunctioned, the blower motor won’t function as a result. But this does not mean the blower motor is bad. Capacitors can burn due to power surges. Fortunately, replacing them is neither expensive nor difficult.

Once you have replaced the capacitor and notice it is burning more frequently, it means something else is causing the problem. Keep in mind that not only the capacitor but also the blower motor itself could go bad due to power surges. In this case, the only option is to replace the motor.

How To Avoid Heat Pump Problems?

The best way to avoid heat pump problems is by scheduling periodic expert maintenance. Even though the entire lifespan and efficiency of the heat pumps are dependent on maintenance, most homeowners still fail to acknowledge this basic fact. For them, it is just an expense. So, they try to maintain their heat pumps themselves.

As mentioned earlier, cleaning and maintaining easily accessible areas is one thing but there are a lot of other components that need to be taken care of as well. But these components carry a lot of risks, and homeowners have caught serious injuries trying to play around with them.

Remember, all electric appliances and components can be extremely dangerous regardless of how simple and easy they look. Therefore, consulting the user manual is important. So, read it carefully and follow the instructions.

It will be a lot better to hand over the task to an expert who ensures your heat pump makes your investment worth it. Of course, you will have to spend but that takes away all the unforeseen problems and complications at the same time.


There could be countless other reasons behind a blower motor going bad. However, you should always maintain a safe side and frequently clean and maintain the heat pump. And, if the blower motor is making strange noises, you should immediately get help from heat pump repair services Huntington. Do not ignore the problem. Don’t wait for it to go away as it could damage other expensive components.

How To Avoid Hot And Cold Spots In Your Home

Despite having a heating and cooling system in place, you might experience hot and cold spots in your house. Different rooms of your house might have different temperatures which feel uncomfortable. This problem causes hot and cold spots in your house. Hot and cold spots can occur in your house due to various reasons. You may need the expertise of HVAC companies to find the culprit.

When this problem happens, it makes your house uncomfortable to live in, and can also make your HVAC system work much harder to achieve a constant temperature throughout the house. However, you can easily fix this issue by following these steps.

Improve The Insulation

Good insulation is key to having a consistent temperature throughout your house. Making your insulation effective can help you save a lot of money in the form of lower energy bills. Ineffective insulation can cause the heating to leak out from certain areas of your house, and this ultimately leads to the hot and cold spot problem.

So, if you are suffering from the hot and cold spot problem in your house, you can easily treat it by making your insulation effective if it isn’t already.

Get The Air Drafts Fixed

Any type of crack in the surface of your house can cause the outside ear to leak in through the whole. This problem can cause the area surrounding the crack to become significantly cooler or hotter as compared to the rest of your house depending on the season. In this problem, you can detect the air drafts in your house, and can get them fixed to illuminate the hot and cold spot problem.

However, if you do not know how to detect a gap or crack in the wall of your house, you can turn off all the fans and even the heat pump itself. Then, you can tie a thread with an object and scan the walls with this thread. If the thread wavers at any point, there might be a crack there. Alternatively, you can also hire an expert for help.

Get A Multi Zoned HVAC System Installed

Usually, the HVAC systems in our houses are designed to cool down or heat up the entire house with a single setting. This system is inefficient and can cause various hot and cold spots throughout the house. A multi zoned HVAC system can easily prevent this issue from happening. With the help of a multi zoned system, you can set different settings for different areas of your house.

Keep in mind that this type of system will cost you more money upfront, but can surely save you as much as 30% in the form of energy bills. That’s because you can turn off the system in areas where there is no need for heating.

Clean The Air Vents Properly

In order to deliver hot and cold here to different areas of your house, your heat pump needs to use the air vents. Over time, vents accumulate dust, dirt, and dead animals. This type of problem can easily cause the hot and cold zone problem in your house by blocking the air from going into certain areas.

Moreover, vents can also get blocked from the outside by furniture. This type of blockage can prevent the vent from delivering hot air to the affected area in winter. To treat this type of issue, you should check the vents for any blockages, and should also move the furniture items away from the openings of vents.

Be Careful With The Placement Of Appliances

Electronics and appliances produce a large amount of heat in your house. That’s why if there are many electronics accumulated in a small area of your house, they can surely increase the temperature of that particular area.

That is why you should position your electronics wisely. You should ideally not use two or more electronics that generate a lot of heat in a single room. However, if you must, you should arrange a good method of ventilation to keep the temperature in that room the same as the rest of your house.

This is how you can easily treat the hot and cold spot problem of your HVAC system. For quick solutions, connect with heat pump repair services Chantilly.

The pros and cons of heat pumps

Heat pumps are becoming incredibly popular as heating devices. Today, a big number of people rely on such equipment to heat their house during the fall season. And now that the fall season is almost here, you may want to install a heat pump or get heat pump repair in case your existing unit is not working.

However, a big number of people who are reading this article may not know what heat pumps are to begin with. So, before we move on to the advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps, let us look at the basics briefly.

What are Heat pumps?

Heat pumps are systems that involve the use of pump to transfer heat from one point to another. These units often use a gas or liquid refrigerant that extracts heat from the outside environment and pumps it indoors.

In this process, less amount of heat electricity is used. In comparison, when electricity is used in heat conversion, then a big amount of energy can go wasted resulting higher bills.

At the same time, this cycle gets reversed during the summer. Then, the heat pump simply absorbs heat from the indoors and throws it outside, hence working as an air conditioner.

However, the use of heat pumps simply depends on your location. Certain areas that are very cold do not offer the perfect conditions for heat pumps to work with high efficiency.

Though, from the perspective of reducing our carbon footprint, heat pumps do a great job as compared with gas furnaces. Although, gas furnaces can be extremely efficient – rated up to 98% at times.

Pros of Heat pumps

Now, let us look at some of the advantages of heat pumps. These include:

Lower costs to run

Heat pumps simply costs lesser when it comes to operation and maintenance. Furthermore, the greater the energy efficiency of your system is, the better it will run in the long-term.

Lesser maintenance

Perhaps the best thing about heat pumps is that they cost lesser from maintenance perspective in the long run. So, chances are that you will not have to spend a lot of on your heat pump.

Though, occasional maintenance and repairs are inevitable, and you cannot avoid that. After all, it is a mechanical device and can be prone to faults due to multiple reasons.

As far as simple inspection goes, you can occasionally do it on your own. However, for bigger issues, you will most likely need the help of a professional serviceman or a heat pump contractor.


Yet another benefit of a heat pump is that they are very safe in comparison to other systems that rely on combustion. With that, they have reduced carbon emissions since no combustion is taking place.

And some heat pumps can be extremely efficient, hence reducing your overall energy costs. Take the example of water source heat pumps for example. These heat pumps can have an efficiency of around 600 percent.

Longer life span

Heat pumps tend to have a longer life span in comparison to other heating devices and equipment. For instance, a heat pump can last up to 50 years. Though, average time span in which the heat pump will work best is around 14 to 15 years.

They work both ways

The best thing about a heat pump is that it can work both ways. For instance, it can provide cooling during the warm season and provide warmth during the fall season.

The only downside would be that you will occasionally have to take help from heat pump repair services Falls Church before every new season (as heat pumps tend to run down often).