What Is The Different Between Vinyl And Fiberglass Pools

Having a pool in your backyard is one of the best ways of spending some hot summer days in cool water. However, before you start enjoying the luxuries of having a swimming pool in your backyard, you’ll have to actually choose the right type of swimming pool by asking a pool contractor.

Yes, there are many different types of swimming pools available in the market. In this article, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of vinyl pools and fiberglass pools to help you choose the right one out of these two. Reading all the points will help you achieve an educated decision. So, here are some things to consider.


Because of their large sizes, pools usually dominate the backyards of houses. So, you should make your swimming pool as attractive as possible to improve the looks of your house. That is why you will have to choose the right color and shape when getting a swimming pool made on your property.

When it comes to choosing the right shape, there are lots of swimming pool shapes you can choose from. When you are getting a vinyl liner pool made in your property, you can choose from a wide range of designs. You can get any design made as long as your pool contractor can make it. This type of flexibility is available because vinyl can be molded into any shape or form.

On the other hand, fiberglass pools are pre-built from pool manufacturers, and you are limited to the shapes made by the pool manufacturer when you are using a fiberglass pool to be installed in your backyard. Fiberglass pools usually also have an upper length limit of 16 feet because of the size limitations of the trucks used to ship them to your house. However, a huge advantage of fiberglass pools is that everything comes pre-built, and you only need to install the pool in place. In other types of pools, your pool contractor will have to make everything on their own, and the design can seem a bit off.

When it comes to retaining their color in the long run, fiberglass pools are definitely the winner. That is because these pools can retain their color for 20 to 25 years easily. On the other hand, vinyl pools start deteriorating in color and quality only a few years after their installation. The chlorine you use to keep your pool water clean can bleach the vinyl, thus making it look uglier over time.

Maintenance And Upkeep

When you are choosing a fiberglass pool to be installed in your house, you can enjoy less maintenance and upkeep costs in the long run. That is because the fiberglass surface is very hard and non-porous. For this reason, it does not let bacteria pile up on itself over time. So, you can easily clean a fiberglass pool on a weekly basis without much hassle.

Similarly, vinyl pools are also non-porous. But bacteria can build up in the seams present in your vinyl pool. So, the maintenance and upkeep costs and requirements of vinyl pools are higher as compared to fiberglass pools.

Installing Process

Fiberglass and vinyl pools both should be installed by professionals. That is because they can be considerably heavy, and might need lots of materials and preparation in order to be installed correctly.

No matter which type of pool material from the two you choose, you will have to dig a hole for the pool first, and will have to haul away the extra dirt. You must build a solid base no matter what type of pool you might be using.

One of the biggest differences in the installation of both types of pools is that vinyl pools need to be built from scratch onsite, while fiberglass pools are delivered as one pre-built piece which can easily be installed in the pool hole.

After installing the main pool, the rest of the building process around the pool is the same for both types, and heavily depends on your personal needs.


So, this was a clear comparison of both the vinyl and fiberglass swimming pools, you should consider the best one out of these two depending on your budget and the recommendation by your swimming pool builder. lagrass

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