What Is Knee Osteotomy? Who Needs It And How To Prepare For It?

Knee injuries are hard to deal with and if you’re suffering long-term, then it’s better to visit an orthopedic surgeon and opt for an osteotomy. Here is everything you need to know about knee osteotomy.

Knee Osteotomy

Osteotomy basically means cutting off the bone. So, in general, a knee osteotomy is the process of cutting the bone of the knee, which can either be the tibia or femur, in order to alleviate the pressure and stress on the bone or the knee joint.

After cutting, the newly shaped bone is readjusted so that there isn’t any difficulty in moving or doing anything with your knee. It is a procedure done on people who have bone disorders like osteoporosis or arthritis and the kneecap is affected.

The earlier you get the surgery done, the better it will be for you. It will alleviate the pain in the knee as well because by cutting the bone and adjusting it, the weight is shifted and it seems to ease out any tension and pain in the kneecap.

Who Needs A Knee Osteotomy?

If you are suffering from any of these disorders, then you are a candidate for getting a knee osteotomy:

  • Osteoporosis, where the bones can get extremely porous and even the smallest impact can break or shatter it.
  • Early onset of arthritis, where only one knee cap is damaged, then you can get an osteotomy in order to distribute the stress of your weight on both knees perfectly.
  • Bone deficiencies, in which you have naturally delicate bones and your knee caps are under a lot of stress.
  • Here are some things you should know before getting this procedure done:
  • You shouldn’t be older than 60.
  • You should have an active lifestyle.
  • You should have adequate weight before getting this procedure done, otherwise, it may not make a huge difference.
  • If you experience pain in only one knee cap, then you should go for an osteotomy. If you get frequent pains in both of your knees, then this surgery might not be the best option for you to consider.
  • If you stand for longer periods of time and experience excruciating pain in the knee, then you can get this surgery don’t after consultation with your doctor.

Surgery Preparations

Here are the necessary preparations you need to do before the osteotomy takes place:

  • You will need an Anesthesia clearance before the surgery. For this, you will need to be admitted a day or two before the actual osteotomy.
  • You will need to stop smoking, and taking any blood thinning medication a few days before the osteotomy.
  • Here is the general run-down of a knee osteotomy:
  • The surgeon, after you are under Anesthesia, will make an incision right below the kneecap.
  • The bone that needs to be cut is marked with wires and then a saw is used to cut the guided area.
  • To hold the bone in place while the incision heals, the surgeon will place plates with screws on either cut side of the bone.

Healing And Post-Surgery Care

Now that the surgery is complete, your incision will heal timely and you are free to go home within 1 to 2 days after the surgery. The doctors might prescribe you painkillers and NSAIDs to help with the pain. Here are some things you need to take care of after the osteotomy is done:

  • Make sure the incision doesn’t get infected. Try to keep it dry and cover it when you’re taking a shower.
  • In order to limit the weight and stress on the newly adjusted bone, you will probably need to use crutches for walking for some weeks, before the doctor gives you a clear sign to start walking freely.
  • You will need to follow up with your doctor and have an x-ray after the surgery, just to see the progress and how your knee is doing physically.

There you have it! A knee osteotomy will help to get rid of the extra pressure and pain in your knee. And you will feel much better as far as pains and movements are concerned. Make sure to discuss your condition for with an orthopedic doctor for knee pain Woodbridge before going through a surgery.

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